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If you are passionate about conducting research, investigative work, and writing, you could be the perfect candidate for a career in journalism. Whether you want to write for print, radio, television, or online sources, our online journalism course could fast-track your journey in the media sector and provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.

The programme has been designed and created alongside experienced journalists, so you can rest assured that the information will be highly engaging, informative, and aligned with industry standards.

Interested to know more about our media studies and journalism training? Explore our course breakdown below or enrol now to get started.

Course Investment & Payment Plans

SAVE 10%
One off payment
Course Level
Weekly Instalment Plan
£25 x 32 weeks
Interest Free
Course Level

How do I get started?

Click on one of the Enrol Now buttons above and you could be working on your first journalism lesson in a matter of days!